Juice and Miro are okay, but are both buggy and lack basic features that iTunes has.
I ahve submitted feature requests for Jpodder, but I am sure we will never see them.
iTunes just plain sucks. Some any issues, very few configuration options, and performance issues with downloading.
Zune software looks good, but lacks most features the others have and doesn't have basic configuration like 'download only newest'. It is full auto (download ALL ever), or full manual (manually select what it should download) with that one.
I have found any tried many more apps as well. Hereare a few lists and wizards to find one that works for you:
Here are some more I have tried:
WinAmp (great for music, not for podcasts)
I have not yet found any with the features I want. Jumping between these things has become a past time! I cannot find one that works for me, or even one I can live with for now.
The features I want are:
- Keeps track of what I have watched, and what I have not. Or will at leact let me mark something as 'watched' manually
- Downloads only the newest item(s). Idealy anything new since the last time it checked for new ones from that feed
- Can configure it NOT to delete any files
- Works with video and audio files
- Has a GREAT media plaer OR lets me launch the files to an external player of my choice (MPC for me)
- Keeps the file name of the media file that the downloaded file was named OR lets me give a name basted on date and time of publish or download
- Each podcast goes to it's own folder under one main (configurable) folder for all podcasts
Useful features:
- Import and exporting list of feeds for backup would be nice
- Easially move the download folder
- Good support, or good forum, or at least add suggested features
- Supports sync of files to removeable media (like media device or USB drive)
- A screen to view current doownloads
- Sortable list of your subscriptions
- Freeware...
That is all I can think of right now. I am SURE I will think of more later, as I deal with iTunes for the next couple week... until I look for another alternative.
Anyone have any suggestions for another application I can try?? Please?
I'd make it myself if I knew VB .NET better :(