Thursday, August 28, 2008

PlayStation3 - Wireless Connection - WEP

When entering a WEP key on a PS3, there are 2 things to keep in mind:

1. Even though you type in all the characters, it only shows you 6 (or 8) when you exit the WEP key editing screen.
This is normal!! It is for security (so no one watching you can see the length), and becuase it is easier for them to make an interface with a specific length.

2. WEP keys must be entered with UPPER case letters. I learned this the har way (typed it in lower case twice.) I figured, 'hey, it's Sony. they are lazy, and likely require upper case.' and I was right.

For example, if you WEP key is:
It MUST be entered list this:

Sony should fix this in the software. There are two ways they could fix this:
1. Make in imput method that forces upper case letters
2. Make the PS3 convert all lower case letters to upper case in the background.

Here are a few forums and stuff that talk about the problem as well:

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