Monday, April 9, 2012

Quadrocopter Build - Part 9 - New Transmitter but still grounded

I have been waiting for propellers from GoodLuckBuy for a while. They shipped my package, but the props where not included. The order status is "Partial Shipped". I contacted GoodLuckBuy and they just replied as if the whole thing was already shipped. I emailed them back to saw that it only some items were shipped. No reply yet...

I like the items at GoodLuckBuy, and they have the best prices. But this service (or lack of) is getting annoying. I have two other orders after that now that are sitting at "Processed" for up to 6 days now.

On an unrelated note, I was talking on with a few guys and they suggested that I use 'expo' mode. To which I replied 'what?'. Then they sent these to me:
Transmitter Dual Rate and Expo Theory, Part 1 of 2
Transmitter Dual Rate and Expo Theory, Part 2 of 2

I already knew I wanted to get a better transmitter/remote at some time, but now I have a reason. Expo mode makes it easier to fly. That would be helpful. So I bought a Turnigy 9X from someone on Now I have to make sure the channels are going the right direction and try controlling it.

I also thought I'd order more props from multiple place online. So I did. Two different sellers, and two different prop sizes. However I learned later that I should be using smaller props for the higher speed motors that I am using (1200kv). That being said, all the props I had on order would not work very well. I got talking to Mark from and he suggested smaller props and could ship them to me much faster from Halifax than I can get any from China. I ordered 10 props from him. They should be here this week so that I can finally fly again.

I also got thinking about building a lighter, larger quad frame. I found several items from different sources (all at the best prices I could find) and ordered what I will need to build a ~1100mm frame. I am sure there is a reason why people don't usually build them that large, so I can always cut the carbon fiber tubes done if needed. I also will be running into issues with mounting the motors as GoodLuckBuy did not include the motor mounts with the motors :( GoodLuckBuy also gave me what appears to be 6mm prop adapters, so I ordered 5mm (standard from what I understand) prop adapters from Mark at Thanks again Mark.

Lots of things going on is all different areas with my quad, transmitter, new frame build, new battery on order but not shipped.... I hope to spit it all out in another blog post shortly. For now I gotta run. Feel free to ask questions here, on, YouTube or even Twitter.

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