Just an update...
I got the Tx, Rx, Power wires, Power connectors, ESC wires and ESC connectors.
Still waiting on:
Frame, Flight Controller, Battery, LEDs, motors, props, ESCs, ESC programmer and Tx USB, Tx strap, prop balancing bar, and much more.
I found a good idea for my idea of "Switch on quad for battery to save from always disconnecting the battery (likely not possibly because of amperage required)".
Rather than a switch, I can use this removable positive wire idea this guy used:
I hope the other shipments will be in soon!
I will also provide an update and hopefully video soon of me figuring out the Tx and Rx. Perhaps me making the power and ESC wires and connectors.
One question I have to find the answer to: What is the voltage for the Rx, and how do people power it? I still have no figured out how people power the flight control boards either.
I found that this Rx should be 4.8-6 volts, but do people just use a resister and I have never seen anyone ever talk about it in a build before?
Until next time.... Keep your stick on the ice :)
Update: Found some info that I noted to look into above. Flight controller gets power from ESCs. Receiver gets power from Flight controller. On the KK, they are all connected, as seen in this schematic: http://www.kkmulticopter.com/images/stories/kk55_board.jpg
More details here if you want them: http://www.kkmulticopter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=161:kkmulticontroller-v55-qblackboardq&catid=57:pcb-schematics&Itemid=65
Other people have also had these questions about Rx and FC power. Some good answers were provided, but I think the schematic is the best. Here are a few forum posts where the questions were answered:
I expect some future questions to be answered on this other site I found while trying to learn more, it is known as "Quadrocopter and Tricopter Info Mega Link Index". It can be found here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1097355
Some videos I plan to watch tonight to get make sure I know what to expect:
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