Saturday, March 10, 2012

Quadrocopter Build - Part 3

Build is done! That went much faster than I thought it would. I guess all of my research, forum reading and video watching was useful.

I ran into an issue where the "XCopter v4.7 KK" doesn't properly power motor number 4. More info on the issue here:
Until the issue is fixed, use version 2.2 for an X4/XQuad.

Another issue that I ran into is that some KK blackboards come with the pitch gyroscope backwards. If you test the pitch (typically right hand stick's forward and back) and it is backwards, you need to reverse it. It may also be Transmitter specific. I'm not sure. Directions here:
Under "Gyro(Servo) direction reversing"

I recorded the first flight with version 2.2 (which is what the KK board shipped with) before the M4 issue with two cameras. Here are the videos:
Quadrocopter - 2012-03-10 - X525 XQuad - First flight - Camera 1
Quadrocopter - 2012-03-10 - X525 XQuad - First flight - Camera 2

Tomorrow I plan to take it outside and try to calibrate the gyro potentiometers on the KK board to stop drifting in any direction (pitch, roll, yaw).

More videos and info to follow in the future.

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